
For interior or exterior house painting, be certain with Castle Painters. When we paint your home you can be sure of a high quality paint job and personal satisfaction.
We are a team of skilled painting professionals who rely on our satisfied customers to recommend and refer us. Our painting business relies on you, so you can depend on us. That means our future is on display every day, in how we paint every type of residential home and commercial building, interior or exterior.
There is nothing like a coat of new paint to make a room, a house or any space come alive, but a paint job is only as good as who is doing it! Anyone can slap on a coat of paint, at Castle Painters we know:
• How to properly prepare the surface.
• Which paints to use in each situation.
• How to get the job done quickly with minimum disruptions.
We have all the tools and skills required to give our clients the quality finish they deserve.
Castle Painters has serviced the Calgary Metro and Red Deer for over 15 years. Our work is highly rated by our customers who have given us great testimonials and recommendations.
We do all types of paint jobs, from small apartments to large luxury homes, from offices to warehouses, as well as any type of railings and kitchen cabinets. Give us a call, see the difference a professional paint job can make.